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Marketing Material

Somerset Bus Partnershiop are developing a range of marketing material you can use if you hold an event or wish to distribute to a leaflet to your local community on buses. We hope to secure funding later this year to develop our range of marketing material.


1) Produce a local bespoke bus timetable. 


The town of Frome has produced a timetable for all buses that run through the Market Place. 


The village of Rode has produced their own multi operator timetable. 



















Blank examples of a bespoke timetable leaflet for your town or parish and it be can easily adapted to put in your local bus times and information. These are Powerpoint files and can be easily editable. 















2) Posters


We have a range of posters available for you to download and print. We have printed them

and laminated them and put them up at bus shelters and put on telegraph poles. (We will

get these loaded up to the page soon).



















3) Leaflets


You can download our manifesto (see PDF on right). 





An example of a blank leaflet you use for bus times or for more public general travel  informationin your area see word document on the right.



Leaflets produced by Option 24/7, Wiltshire Bus User Group and Transwilts. You may wish to produce a

similar leaflet for your local bus route.

There are a selection of leaflets below from Bus Users Shropshire which you could adapt or make a similar leaflet yourself.

Please note these example leaflets that have been used over the past ten years.


4) Social media / images


We have a range of JPEG's available for you to use on social media or for posters. 


































































































5) Other graphics


We have a range of Powerpoint presentations you can adapt to use as a basis of a presentation. Contact us if you want more information.


6) Transport Related Days / Events



World Earth Day

Electric Verichle Day

Clean Air Day

Catch The Bus Week TBC

Car Free Day

1st Saturday of March - International day of Free Public Transport 

18 March - Bus operators and bus drivers appreciate day

7) Other sources of information:


Bus Users UK

Campaign for Better Transport

Greener Transport Solutions:

Calculate your carbon footprint

Pintrest - Public Transport infographics



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