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The Future of Buses in Somerset: The Heart of Wessex Bus Franchising Proposal

Public transport in Somerset is at a crossroads. For too long, bus services have been unreliable, infrequent, and disconnected from the needs of the people who rely on them. The current deregulated system, now rebranded as Enhanced Partnerships, has failed to deliver the transformation passengers and communities need.


The Heart of Wessex Bus Franchising Proposal offers a smarter, fairer, and more reliable way forward. Under this model, Somerset’s bus network would be planned as a single, coordinated system rather than a patchwork of deregulated services. Instead of operators deciding which routes to run based on commercial viability alone, services would be designed around the needs of passengers and communities.


This approach is already working in places like London and Greater Manchester, and it's time Somerset gets the same level of investment and planning.

How Bus Franchising Will Transform Somerset


The Heart of Wessex Bus Franchising Proposal is built around seven key principles that will deliver a better bus network for Somerset:


1. More Buses, More Often

Under franchising, we will see a rolling increase in service frequency and network coverage on nearly all routes, ensuring more people have access to reliable public transport. Unlike the current system, where services are cut to reduce costs, franchising guarantees long-term planning and investment in expanding services.


2. Demand-Responsive Transport (DRT) for Rural Areas

For routes that do not remain in the franchised network due to low passenger numbers or limited timetables, franchising will provide seven-day-a-week Demand Responsive Transport (DRT) services. This will ensure that no community is left without a bus service, even in rural areas where fixed routes may not be viable.


3. Affordable Fares for Everyone

Franchising introduces simple, affordable, and fair pricing for passengers:

  • £1.50 fare cap in town and city zones.

  • £2 or £3 flat interurban fares, depending on distance.

No more confusing fare structures—just clear, consistent pricing that makes bus travel more attractive and affordable for all.


4. A Zero-Emission Future

Under franchising, every single bus in Somerset will be zero-emission. This means cleaner air for our communities, reduced carbon emissions, and a more sustainable transport system. Investment in new electric and hydrogen-powered buses will be a key part of the franchising strategy.


5. Real-Time Information & Better Accessibility

Passengers will no longer be left guessing when the next bus will arrive. Franchising will deliver:

  • Real-Time Information (RTI) at bus stops and on mobile apps.

  • Upgraded bus stop infrastructure with accessibility features for all passengers, including those with disabilities.


6. Investment in Bus Infrastructure

Local Area Panels, a joint partnership of local authorities, town and parish councils, passenger and stakeholder groups, and bus operators, will be placed in charge of a BSIP Infrastructure Fund, which will be established to support:

  • Upgrades to bus stations and mobility hubs to improve passenger facilities.

  • Installation of new bus shelters and better signage across the county.

  • Expansion of bus priority measures to ensure buses run on time.

  • Improved publicity and passenger information to make services easier to understand.


7. Seamless Bus & Rail Integration

Franchising will create a joined-up public transport system, ensuring that buses and trains work together rather than in competition. This means:

  • Timetables designed to connect with rail services at key stations.

  • Better interchange facilities to make transfers between bus and rail smooth and reliable.

  • Integrated ticketing where possible, making journeys easier and more convenient.


 Why Somerset Needs Bus Franchising


The current bus system in Somerset is fragmented and unreliable, with frequent service cuts and inconsistent coverage. Many people in both urban and rural areas struggle to access work, education, healthcare, and social activities due to a lack of dependable public transport.


Bus franchising will fix these problems by putting passengers first. Instead of competing for profits, bus operators will be contracted to deliver the best services possible, with long-term funding and stability. The Local Area Panels will have the power to set service levels, coordinate timetables, and integrate buses with other transport options.


With the formation of the new Heart of Wessex Mayoral Combined Authority, bus franchising is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to build a public transport system that works for everyone.


Join us in supporting this vision and help shape the future of Somerset’s bus network!


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Bus Franchising

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